About Freddy Kaltenborn

Physical Education and Athletic Training: Kaltenborn began his professional career in 1943 at the Norwegian Sports University (Statens Gymnastikk-skole), after having qualified for university study (Examen Artium). In 1944 and 1945 he studied as an exchange student at various German sports schools, including the famous German University for Physical Exercise in Berlin (Deutsche Hochschule für Leibesübungen). The curriulula in the German programs included sports massage and joint mobilization techniques that were being used in the rehabilitation of wounded soldiers. These specialties later became the focus of Kaltenborn’s professional life.

Physical Therapy: In 1949 Kaltenborn was certified in physical therapy by the Oslo Orthopedic Institute in Norway. In Norway at the time, this certification was necessary for clinical licensure and this was the only school of physiotherapy in Norway.

Orthopedic Medicine: From 1952 to 1954 Kaltenborn appren-ticed in London with Dr. James Mennell- and Dr. James Cyriax to study ortho-pedic medicine. Kaltenborn was certi-fied by Cyriax to teach orthopedic medicine in 1955 and renewed his certification in 1985. Upon return to his native Norway, Kaltenborn worked to incorporate his diverse professional experiences into his own manual therapy system- and to teach his concepts- to clinicians there.

Chiropractic: In 1958 Kaltenborn was -certified as a chiropractor by FAC, the German medical association (Forschungs- und Arbeits-gemeinschaft für Chiropraktik-). Kaltenborn taught both chiropractic and his own methods to FAC medical doctors- between- 1958 and 1962. By 1962 the FAC had incorporated- Kaltenborn’s concepts to such an extent, that they changed their professional name from “Chiro-praktik” to “Chiro-therapy.” Kaltenborn- continued- to provide instruction to FAC physicians until 1982.

Osteopathy: Kaltenborn started his osteopathic studies in London at the British School of Osteopathy in 1958 and at the London College of Osteo-pathy in 1962 where he was mentored by Dr. Alan Stoddard. Kaltenborn was approved as an osteopathic instructor in 1971. Between 1977 and 1984 Kaltenborn taught as a professor at the Michigan- State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing, Michigan USA.

Orthopedic Medicine and Manipulative Therapy: Kaltenborn was certified in orthopedic medicine and manipulative therapy by the Inter-national Seminar of Ortho-paedic Medicine/Manipulative Therapy (ISOMMT) in 1973.

Kaltenborn practiced orthopedic medicine and manipulative therapy in his native Norway for thirty-two years, from 1950 to 1982. During that time he instructed countless physical therapists, medical doctors, and many osteopaths and chiropractors in manipulative treatment methods-. He introduced manipulative therapy to Norwegian physical therapists in 1960 and to Nordic physicians in 1962, and was -instrumental in developing- manipulative therapy education and certification standards there. Together with Norwegian- medical doctors-, Kaltenborn also brought the benefits of manipulative therapy to the attention of the Norwegian national health care system, which by 1957 had recognized the effective-ness of manipulative therapy by reimbursing these skilled services performed by physical therapists and medical doctors at twice the rate of physical therapy treatments.

Throughout his professional career, Professor Kaltenborn -campaigned tirelessly for the creation of international educational standards and certi-fication in manipulative therapy. He was a founding member of the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists (IFOMT-), now a subgroup of the World Confederation of Physical Therapists (WCPT). Professor Kaltenborn directed the development of IFOMT’s manipulative therapy education and certifi-cation standards- as the first chairperson of IFOMT’s Standards Committee, and continued as a consultant to the organization for the next 16 years.